T I P - The Island Place

The condominium complex had been recommended by Theresa, who had joined in on previous paddle events in Cedar Key before and was very happy with these accommodations and so there was no point in scouting out other lodging options so this is where reservations were made for the group of five women. The main concern, though, would be having enough parking to allow for four vehicles, (three of which were towing trailers.)

Theresa ran into the others during the check-in process at the Community Center and told them that the TIP office was open and that she and her friends were allowed special permission to check-in early because of the Paddle Festival's schedule of events. That was great news, given the fact that the registration paperwork said 3:00 p.m. So the gals walked on into the office, asked about the early check-in, signed the necessary paperwork and were given their key to the condo at 11:00 a.m. They were also given permission to park their vehicles on the grass in front of the condo which allowed just enough room for all four.

First things first - who sleeps where...
Alice and Delores were lucky enough to secure the master bedroom with a queen size bed. No. 5 called dibbs on the hallway bunk which looked pretty comfortable in it's own right. Dot and Liz who were travel buddies anyway, ended up with the sofa-sleeper that pulled out with a queen size mattress. The goody-bags were put in each sleeping spot to identify who was sleeping where.
Alice and Delores were lucky enough to secure the master bedroom with a queen size bed. No. 5 called dibbs on the hallway bunk which looked pretty comfortable in it's own right. Dot and Liz who were travel buddies anyway, ended up with the sofa-sleeper that pulled out with a queen size mattress. The goody-bags were put in each sleeping spot to identify who was sleeping where.
The Goody-Bag

Oh who doesn't love a heavy goody-bag? Those folks who organized the Paddle Fest knew what they were doing when they filled those goody-bags. Smiles on every face! Why? Because they were filled with all kinds of trinkets and treasures and within this group alone, no two bags were identical. The morning could have easily turned into an impromptu bartering session, trading trinkets, but everyone seemed happy with the contents of their specific bag.

Oh yeah - and let's not forget the awesome t-shirt everyone got, too!
Below are just a few of the condo pics just for a general reference of who is who....
Below are just a few of the condo pics just for a general reference of who is who....

Well, now that the girls had a little time to organize their belongings and familiarize themselves with the lay-out and contents of the condo complex (most importantly - where the pool was), it was time to gear up for the first of many paddling activities. All had signed up for the same events to keep things orderly. First on the list was Old Cedar Key Loop paddle track with instructions to meet at the Anchor Hole Boat Ramp. Punch in the location coordinates into the 'ol Garmin GPS units and they were off on a make-shift convoy...