Still wiping the sleep from their eyes as they finished downing their portable thermos of unfinished coffee from home, the gals all met up at the Flint Creek Outfitters store in Ocala, Florida at the dreaded early morning hour of7:30 a.m. on Saturday, July 27th. Two of the girls had the additional challenge of driving all the way from Crystal River. The store wasn't even open yet and here were four ladies amid an equal number of guys milling outside the store before it even opened waiting for their fearless leader, David Hulsey, to escort them over to some place he called Summerfield Farms in Morriston, Florida where the farm owners, Francis & Barbara Vanlangendonck, had graciously allowed them to use their stocked (bass, blue-gill and perch) pond for fly-fishing practice. The women all climbed into one vehicle and followed behind David's truck as he led them on the 20 mile ride, discussing their hopes and expectations for the morning..
By the time everyone arrived back in Ocala, it was close to noon. The girls shopped around the store for about 15 minutes or so. While the rest of the group struck up a conversation with Connie, the lone female in a previous class of guys, Kathy put in her order for a simple 'starter' fly-fish combo that David was going to set up for her and Virginia picked up a few items to get her back in the craft of tying flies. It took David about a half an hour to rig Kathy's gear so the five women decided to have lunch together at a nearby restaurant to get to know Connie a little bit better and give her some insight into what the Nature Coast Lady Anglers was all about. There weren't many fish caught on a fly this day, but everyone gained a new friend - that made for a great day after all.